Facial Services & Prices

Skin Analysis Consultation $25

Not sure which facial treatment, or products you need? Unsure what your skin type/ conditions are? Or are you interested in getting a chemical peel? Then this is the 1st step. Book an in-depth consultation today and have a 20 min sit down chat to get all your questions and concerns addressed.

Basic Introductory Facial $75

This facial focuses on the health of your skin and getting to know your skin & your at home skin care routine. This facial is the start to your skin care journey and having a plan laid out for your future treatments and product recommendations (ALL NEW CLIENTS MUST BOOK THIS SERVICE)

Specialized Facial $120

A customized facial formulated specifically for you to help target your specific skin concerns and or conditions (eg: rosacea, sensitive skin, dryness, hyperpigmentation, aging, acne, etc). (RETURNING CLIENTS ONLY)

Express Facial $65

Need a quick pick me up during lunch or in-between treatments. This is the facial for you. Express facials are 30 mins long designed to get you in and out, and is the perfect boost your skin may need. (RETURNING CLIENTS ONLY)

Teen Facial $55

Is your teenager starting to experience the woes of puberty? This is the answer to their frustration. During this facial your teenager is educated on what’s going on with their skin and are given product recommendations to help with the skin concerns they are facing.

Microdermabrasion Facial $110

Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a slightly abrasive instrument to exfoliate the skin, removing weeks of dead skin cells at the surface. Benefits of this treatment include smoother skin, minimized fine lines, even skin texture, brighter skin tone, reduced age spots.

Dermaplaning Facial $135

Dermaplaning is a form of physical exfoliation by using a blade to gently scrape off the top layer of dull dead skin cells and vellus (peach fuzz) hair to reveal a smoother, brighter complexion. This service is done every 4-6 weeks. (RETURNING CLIENTS ONLY)

Micropeel Facial $150

Consists of microdermabrasion and a light superficial peel to help refine skin texture, brighten the skin, reduce pore size, minimize fine lines and wrinkles, & reduce hyperpigmentation. (RETURNING CLIENTS ONLY)

Chemical Peel $100

Chemical peels reveal smoother, healthier skin beneath the surface. Peels are used to treat many skin concerns like acne, visible signs of aging, and reducing hyperpigmentation/discoloration. There are many different types of peels (superficial - deep), determining which peel is best for you will be discussed at your Skin Analysis Consultation (which you MUST book BEFORE this service). Post peel kits for at home care is included with each service.

Microneedling Facial $145

Microneedling (aka Collagen induction therapy) uses very fine needles to create invisible puncture wounds in the top layer of the skin (your face will be numbed!). The micro-injuries created will stimulate the body’s natural wound healing process resulting in cell turnover and increased collagen and elastin production. This is perfect for treating hyperpigmentation, acne, cystic acne scarring, minor or deep scarring, fine lines & wrinkles, reducing pore size and improving skin texture. (RETURNING CLIENTS ONLY)

Men’s Facial $85

Men your skin needs love too! This Facial is catered to all the Kings out there. Its inclusive of a full basic facial with specific add ons to address your skin concerns and or conditions, as well as a beard treatment w/ high frequency to help stimulate beard growth and combat ingrown hairs, topped off with a beard oil to help your mane shine!

Back Facial $85

I’ve got your back!!! Tired of the bacne? Or just looking for some relaxation, this is the treatment for you. Treatment targets your back concerns with a double cleanse, deep exfoliation, extractions (if needed), a massage, soothing mask, moisturizer and high frequency.

Buttocks Facial $65

Buns Out!! This facial helps address any discoloration or acne you may have on the buttocks area.

Vajacials $65 & up

A vajacial treats and extracts any ingrown hairs and aids in reducing and preventing any hyperpigmentation in the bikini area.

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SCULPTICE® facials active your natural thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is the natural body fat and calorie burning process. When the body is exposed to extreme cold temperatures, it reacts by activating heat in the areas of exposure, and the heat allows the body to break down fat cells. SCULPTICE® then activates the lymphatic system to drain the broken fat cells off the body.


- Activates blood circulation, rejuvenates skin
- Clean and Close pores, preventing black heads
- Tones your cheeks
- Diminishes and prevents wrinkles and fine lines
- Eliminates puffiness around eyes and underbags
- Tones your face and diminishes wrinkles 
- Reduces facial age lines depth
- Activates lymphatic system, helping drain the accumulation of facial fat 
- Dramatically reduces the double chin
- Eliminates acne spots and reduces the appearance of scars and redness
- Minimizes puffiness, dark circles and sagging skin around the eye contour
- Delivers a “face lift”, giving you a reaffirming effect
- Maintains your skin’s youth and health
- Gives you a deep cleansing feel
- Repairs damaged skin and acne breakouts